Tangy Lime Marinated Grilled Summer Squash

This recipe was created out of necessity.  Even when you are diligent about picking zucchini, it seems like there is always one that escapes and grows into a mega-squash.  But the real desperation comes when you go out of town and come back to multiple mega-squash!  That is the boat that Amy is in right now.  This has happened to me so many times over the years that I’m pretty sure I have had zucchini in every possible form there is.  Last year I even made fruit snacks out of zucchini!  My girls loved them.  This year I didn’t realize my zucchini were even ready to be picked and ended up with a couple of the giant beasts.  So I did what any good daughter would do……….I gave them to my mom.  I guess I really owe all the credit of this delicious zucchini invention to her.  









The great thing about this recipe is that the bigger the zucchini the better.  Little ones work also, but the big zucchini pieces are almost like grilling eggplant or a portobello mushroom when prepared this way.  


The first thing is to squeeze your limes.  You will need about 8 limes for this recipe.  

Cut up your squash.  Zucchini and yellow squash work best.  

Once you have your marinade mixed together, place everything either in a ziploc bag or a larger tupperware container.  Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.

Place on foil on the grill on a medium-high heat for about 20 minutes (depending on how thick your slices are) 

The flavor is tangy, intense and delicious.  Next time you go out to your garden and find a gigantic zucchini – instead of sitting down and crying, just pull out this recipe and start grilling! 

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