Introducing The Renegade Travel Guide & Hotel Workouts

TravelGuideiPadCover crop Introducing The Renegade Travel Guide & Hotel WorkoutsWe’re pleased to announce the release of The Renegade Travel Guide today. I teamed up with Adam Bornstein (and we got some help from our buddy, Nate Miyaki) to create the first truly healthy travel guide. We’ve got meal plans, what to eat on the road, what to eat in airports, what to bring on the plane, the 85 best restaurants in 10 major cities and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Plus, when you order by the end of this week you also get a copy of The Hotel Workouts absolutely free. That will give you 36 different upper, lower and full body workouts you can do in the comfort of your hotel room or in a limited equipment, crappy hotel gym.

Click HERE to download your copy now.

The post Introducing The Renegade Travel Guide & Hotel Workouts appeared first on How to Build Muscle | Strength Training Workouts | Mass Gain Diet.

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