The holidays are a special time of the year where we have celebrations of some type and usually gather with friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. It is also a time where food and festivities are present for us to enjoy. So, what are you supposed to do with your health and fitness oriented lifestyle during the holidays? Today we will look at some opportunities to still stay on course to your fitness destination.

Shop smart for health holidays
Plan your menu to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, seafood, whole grains, and non-fat items. Plus, make sure to read your nutrition labels for foods loaded with nutrients that are low in fat, calories, and sugar (Zelman, Kathleen, WebMD, Healthy Holiday Food Diet Tips).

Light Party Appetizers
Make sure that you have appetizers that are filling yet light in calories such as whole-grain crackers with non-fat cheese, vegetables with non-fat yogurt dip, or fresh fruit skewers (Zelman, Kathleen, WebMD, Healthy Holiday Food Diet Tips).

Use the Power of Produce
Use more simple fruit and vegetable dishes in your main course menu instead of heavy dishes with sauces. For example, peas or corn are healthier than creamed peas or corn (Zelman, Kathleen, WebMD, Healthy Holiday Food Diet Tips).

These are just a few examples of ways to still stay on track during the holidays. Another big motivation for the holiday calorie control is to remember what you have gone through since January 1, 2013 or what ever date you started your health and fitness goals. The hard work, the sweat, the pain, and the results all were a part of your current success, so why go backwards? We at Git Right Sports Performance and Fitness want you to know that you have the ability to stay focused on the course and if you need motivation give us a call at 855-73-GITRT. We will share with you words of wisdom, encouragement, and support to help guide you through the temptations that will be around the holidays. Live, laugh, and love, and by the way, go easy on the dessert!

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