Memorial weekend is here, are you ready to take on the challenge of the long weekend. If you hadn't caught the summer bug by now, by Monday you'll have a full-on case of summer fever. Once again, barbecues and picnics will be waiting to lure you in with their potato salads, grills full of burgers and brats and coolers making ice cold beers readily available. You've probably spent the better part of the spring focused on losing weight for summer. Hopefully, this weekend you'll be able to show-off Read more [...]


By now, most of us have heard that we need to “engage the core” for better stability and function. But people often interpret “engage” to mean “suck in”…. So they proceed to suck in their belly buttons while exercising. Unfortunately that is the exact opposite of how you should engage the core as it actually de-stabilizes your core. Think of it this way…when someone’s about to tackle you, you don’t prepare yourself for impact by putting your feet close together, right? No, Read more [...]


Ever wake up in the morning and jump on the scale and notice that your weight has changed tremendously? Did you notice that you were lighter in the morning? Did you look at the number and feel bad about yourself or jump for joy because you are seeing progress from when you started your new year and had that resolution to lose 20 lbs? Every person should have a goal in some part of his or her life and if your goal is weight loss, take your time in reading this today. Think back to why you set up that Read more [...]

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