Today is the day that we have come to remember about how our world changed when the towers were attacked. The pain and hurt is still within our hearts for all the people that lost their lives and the families that needed to move foward in their lives with their missing loved ones. It is a day that we all remember that shook the nation 12 years ago. Today we paused and had a moment of silence to remember those lost on 9/11. It is because of that day that we have changed the way we look at life. It Read more [...]

Post Workout Recovery

Wow, what a great workout or performance you had today and now that the event is over what are doing to refuel and replenish your body? After the game or a workout there is a celebration of some sort where food, drinks, and conversation takes place. It is during this crucial time that our bodies are seeking calories to repair the muscle breakdown and other tissues that may have been damaged from the stress placed on them during the event. This is a key time for a post workout meal that must contain Read more [...]


Let's face it, we want instant gratification in many things that we do, especially when we are looking at our efforts to get to our fitness and performance goals. We work really hard, we are committed, and we sacrifice, but do not see the results that we desire. This lack of results can cause us to loose focus and become discouraged in our endeavors. We begin to feel fatigued, we feel mentally drained, and frustrated because we are not getting to where we want to be. Well the fact that we are not Read more [...]

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