Too Much Good Food

Wow, the holidays are just rolling by quickly. Shortly, Christmas will be here and if it is a holiday that you celebrate you will have a joyous time. We know how hard it is to keep your focus on your fitness program with all the requirements of your time. There have been studies that show approximately 10 pounds of weight are gained from November to December 31st and then that is when the New Years Resolutions come out. Why do you have to set a resolution to lose weight? Here is a better idea, Read more [...]

Git Your Head In The Moment

l Sports psychology, has gained more recognition in recent years by top athletes. It is a fact that many of today's top athletes have a sports psychologist working with them to help keep them focused. So what if you are not a top athlete, do you need to have a mental focus that will help you perform at your peak? Think about this, you can still dominate on your playing field which could be the office, the gym, the classroom, and your home. Do you manage a large or small team of people? Do you have Read more [...]

Is Your Neck Hurting While You Text?

A person's stance while texting could be putting 27 kilograms of strain on their neck. It's a standard texting position: head down, palm up, reading the latest gossip or news on Twitter and Facebook. And one new study thinks this could be putting up to 27 kilograms of strain on our necks. The study by Dr Kenneth Hansraj, published by Surgical Technology International, found the forces placed on the cervical spine by the standard texting mode can be quite heavy indeed. "The weight seen by Read more [...]

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