Lose Those Pounds

It's Wednesday “HUMP DAY” and you are coming off an exciting weekend, your fired up because you have been working hard on your fitness, and are seeing some results. That is awesome, and let’s keep up the great work. Now, let's dive a little deeper into what is happening to your body. Did you know that our bodies are working constantly on a 24 hour basis to repair and grow our cells? Our bodies are so unique in their ability to fix issues which we may not even sense are going on. That Read more [...]

Are You Ready To Trx

It's a new week and January is moving ahead. Before you know it, February will be here along with Valentines Day. Where is your head at? Are you talking about getting into better shape or are you doing it? The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set up some short term and long term goals. You can be real with yourself or continue to make excuses as to why you are not where you want to be in life. Here is a quick workout that you can complete to get your heart rate up and burn some major Read more [...]

Bye Bye Muffin Top

Flabby arms, pooch in your lower abdomen, and a muffin top have always been a problem. It is amazing how these areas just seem to hold extra weight based on your genetics. By the way, did you know that your fat storage spots were predetermined in your gene pool? So, you are given your genetic make up and then must make sure you maximize it for your benefits. Have you noticed that as children develop they store fat in different places but their lifestyle plays a bigger role in how they look and Read more [...]

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