Are you feeling burned out today? If you are, there are many reasons why you are feeling this way. Too much sleep, not enough sleep, missing meals, stress, and life’s obstacles can lead to burnout. Let’s look at burnout in your fitness pursuits and ways to make sure that you are energized for the next workout. It all starts with your program design. If you make your program too challenging in the very beginning it will cause you to burnout mentally and physically because you cannot recover fast Read more [...]


Each day we have to move up, down, left, right, forward, and backward in order to make it through daily life. Therefore, it is time to focus on how we move in an agile way. We move in a controlled manner with actions that are not going to hurt or harm us. Agility is the ability to stop, start, and change the direction of the body or parts rapidly and in a controlled manner (Baechle, Thomas, and Earle, Roger, National Strength and Conditioning Association Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning). Read more [...]


Pitching is a must in baseball in order for the game to start. In addition, the importance of the perfect pitch is so great that kids start to pitch at a very young age and subject their bodies to excessive forces. It is a necessary means to an end but what about the stress placed on the shoulder joint and elbow joint. The shoulder girdle is the scapula, clavicle, and humerus that support the forces of the muscles that pull again them. The muscle that brings about a movement is called the prime mover Read more [...]

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