Greetings on this bright, sunny, and very windy day in the Winter season. It is amazing how the temperature fluctuates so much. With the increased wind blowing it is triggering people with allergies and asthma to have adverse reactions. So, what do you do if you are a person dealing with allergies and asthma? Well, first seek advice from your health care professional because he or she knows everything about your condition. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, they found that allergies and asthma actually Read more [...]


Calling all football players. For some of you the season is over while others are going on to play in that 2014 BCS National Championship Football Game. Some of you are going to play in a Bowl game while some of you are still playing to find out who will be in the 2014 Superbowl Championship Game. Either way, you still need to be training regardless of what season you are in. For some of you this is the off-season while for others it is still in-season. There are different demands during each season Read more [...]


Wow, what a day, huh? Christmas is always an exciting day and a special time of the year. It is a time when people share gifts, share time, and share experiences that can help or change the course of someone’s life. It is a time of celebration for some depending on your religion or faith for the birth a child who would be the savior of the world. The emotions that come with Christmas are so powerful that children across that national wait with anticipation of what that day may bring. Parades are Read more [...]

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